Our annual Grace Family Thanksgiving dinner that will take place on Sunday, November 17th. Our Service that day will be at 10:30am around a table as we share the WORD and a meal directly after. Please bring a few sides or desserts. The church will supply the meat and the drinks. We will not have Sunday School that day.
Adult Choir will meet at 6pm on Sunday nights. Join us!
The youth will have their Friendsgiving meal on Wednesday, November 20th. Also, mark your calendar for the youth Christmas party on Wednesday, December 11th.
As we move into our new space in a few months, we will need more nursery, youth, children, and adult Sunday School teachers. There are many other needs that will need to be filled too. Ask God to give you guidance and to prepare your heart for how you might lead or be apart of a ministry team.
The children will perform their play, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, on Sunday, December 15th at 6:00pm.